Home Embassy Mongolian Embassy in Cairo
Granted Visa Types
Visa types granted by Mongolia are;
Сайн байна уу? Намайг Бурмаа гэдэг. Халдварт Өвчин судлалын үндэсний төвд ажилладаг. 2 дугаар сарын 16-19-нд Кайрт-д ДЭМБ, АНУ-ын ӨХСТ-ийн хуралд оролцохыг авсан юм. Тэгээд л сайтаар хайгаад форм олохоор нэг л бүтэмжгүй байна. Линк явуулж тусална уу...
do I need transit visa to go Mongolia. 5 hours between flights in Egyp my flight Larnaka cairo dubai Mongolia
When it comes to tourism, 2023 is expected to be a big year for Egypt. The country has already welcomed over 7 million tourists into the country, and it shows no sign of slowing down, as this number is expected to hit 15 million by the end of 2023. This is a drastic increase from the 11.7 million visitors that arrived ...
If you're planning a trip to Egypt, understanding the visa requirements is essential to ensure a smooth and hassle-free entry into this historically rich and captivating country. Here's a detailed guide to Egypt visa requirements, application options, and important information for travelers: Visa Requirements Visas a...
Egypt, with its rich historical heritage and stunning landscapes, attracts millions of tourists every year. While the country offers a myriad of attractions and experiences, tourists often encounter certain challenges during their visit. Understanding these obstacles can help travelers prepare better and make the most ...
Exchange rate liberalisation in Egypt has revitalised the tourism sector, drawing greater foreign and Arab investments by offering opportunities to leverage currency fluctuations and potentially higher returns. Factors like improved infrastructure, currency devaluation, enhanced security, and the easing of pandem...
Egypt has implemented an electronic visa (e-Visa) system, which allows travelers from eligible countries, including Qatar to apply for and obtain their visa online before traveling to Egypt. An Egypt e-Visa is an electronic travel authorization that allows travelers to enter Egypt for tourism purpos...
Ramadan is a highly significant month in the Islamic lunar calendar, marked by a deep sense of sanctity and spiritual devotion. Muslims believe that during this sacred time, the archangel Gabriel conveyed the divine message to Prophet Muhammad. During Ramadan, Muslims strengthen their spiritual connection and show thei...
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