Embassy of Egypt in Ottawa





Tel.   :
Fax   : (613)234-4398
Email   :
Website   : http://www.mfa.gov.eg/english/embassies/Egyptian_Embassy_Ottawa/Pages/default.aspx,

Latest Comments

Shelley Martel

Hello, I hope you're doing well. I'm a Canadian travelling to Egypt mid-February. I tried to create an account this morning to apply for an e-visa. The government site is not accepting my first or last name or my email address. The message is not to use special characters but I am not doing that. I have tried on 2 browsers but get the same message. Can you help me with this matter? Thank you very much. Shelley Martel (647-802-1744)

اسامه حنا

صباح الخير من فضلك انا مواطن مصرى مقيم فى كندا ومحتاج اعمل توكيل الى أخواتي فى مصر بس البطاقة والجواز منتهى هو أنا ممكن اجاى القنصلية وادفع مصاريف تجديد البطاقة وأقدر اعمل التوكيل فى نفس اليوم علشان أنا مقيم فى تورنتو

Brian Thorpe

I attempted to get an e visa online and when it came to nationality there was no listing for Canada. How do I get a visa?

Diane Vasic

We wish to travel to Egypt at Christmas and I need to know how to apply for a visa. We were in Egypt in July 2023 and I had obtained our visas online, but now I can no longer do this. Please advise as to how I obtain a tourist visa now.

James Monk

Hello, I am a Canadian citizen signed up for a 10 day tour of Egypt with Edgar Cayce's A.R.E. organization, scheduled to arrive in Cairo on October 30th. I was informed when I signed up for this trip that the A.R.E. would be taking care of my visa requirements, however I have just been made aware of the issue regarding visa's for Canadians. I don't know what this is about and I most certainly will not be thanking our Canadian government for this. I doubtful that an apology from me would change anything here but I will offer that anyway. Can you please tell how I can resolve my visa issue as soon as possible? Thank you.

Scott L. Barron

Hi. I have a valid Egypt Foreign Residency Card and Work Permit. Do I still require an Egypt Entry Visa (from your Ottawa emabasy) if I travel to Canada and return to Cairo?

Mayada Ayoub

Hello, I am a Lebanese citizen living in Toronto. I am planning to travel to Sharm El Sheikh in March. I still hold my Lebanese passport with a Canadian PR. Do I need to apply for a visa? My son who is 7 years old, has an american passoport only. Can I apply for him for e-visa? Thank you, Mayada Ayoub 647-614 8913


Dear Sir/Madam, I am an electrical engineer working in Ontario, Canada. I hold a passport from Yemen. I want to apply a tourist Visa to visit Egypt. Could you please guide me on the required steps to apply for the Visa ? Kind regards, Ahmed

Iveth Ceron

Dear all, I'm looking to apply for the visitors visa, I have noticed that your embassy is in Ottawa but I'm located in Vancouver, Is it possible to apply by mail? Thank you so much for your help in advance.

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