Embassy of Egypt in Kuala Lumpur





Tel.   : (+60) 3 4256 8184
(+60) 3 4256 8745
Fax   : (+60) 3 4257 3515
Email   : [email protected]
[email protected]
Website   : http://www.mfa.gov.eg/kualalumpur_emb,

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خالد حسن أحمد

متطلبات استخراج جواز جديد والمده التى يستغرفها ؟ والسعر ؟

محمد الليثى

انا محمد الليثى من مصر زوجتي سورية واحتاج الى تصريح لزوجتى للدخول الى مصر كزوجة سورية من مصري

Muhammad Zaki Khan

Hi, I'm a Pakistani passport holder and want to apply a business visa in order to visit my Egyptian counterparts in our regional office in Alexandria in the month of September and August. Since Pakistani passport holders are not eligible for e-visa, I need the PDF application form to prepare my application. Where can I get it from?

???? ???? ????

السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته كيف يمكنني الحصول على موافقه امنيه لدخول مصر لمدة اسبوع وبيانتي كالاتي الجنسيه يمني محل الاقامه الدائمه في اليمن وصلت من عدن القاهره للسياحه ثم سافرت الى ماليزيا للزياره لمدة اسبوع لدي تذكرة عوده الى القاهره وتذكره منفصله القاهره عدن كيف يمكنني الحصول على موافقه اامنيه لدخول مصر لاجراء فحوصات طبيه قبل عودتي الى اليمن وما هي الاجراءات والمستندات المطلوبه مع خالص تقديري لكم لدي تذك

Dr Mohammad Azmy Hamron

I Need you help. I need urgent appointment to verify my certificates by Consular Department of Egypt Embassy. I tried to call many times and email but no answer. Please reply me as I have only limited time to get your verification. Please.

Ching Tu

Hi, I will have business trip to Cairo next month. How can I get business visa application document links? What documents i need to prepare? What form that i need to fill?

Nadiah Syahirah

Assalamualaikum wbt, I am nadiah from Mantop Travel. I want to apply rush visa for 2 philippines to enter egypt because the person will departure to go performing umrah 19 dec and will enter Cairo on 29 december 2023 until 1 January 2024. Their passport is philiphines and stay in Brunei. How can I apply for rush visa? Or can I know any other alternatives for them to get any visa for rush to get them enter Cairo? And how to embassy because the slot is fully booked? I hope you can help me to solve the problem. Anything you can call me at 011-27243009/ 0107986016

Tan Duo Zer

Do I need a visa to visit Egypt for 3 days?


Assalamualaikum wbh. Peace be upon you. I would like to get information about: 1- What are the necessary conditions for us to export our company's electronic products to Egypt? 2- Will the importing company in Egypt be subject to IMPORT TAX ON OUR GOODS? 3- Please provide any useful information for us to know about IMPORT / EXPORT transactions between Malaysia and Egypt. Thanks n Best Regards. Ahmad

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