Invitation Letter For Egypt

Embassies worldwide often require a variety of documents whenapplying for aEgypt visa, which can be confusing for first-time travelers. However, understanding the purpose of each document and how to obtain it can make the process much easier.

One such document is the Letter of Invitation, which tends to perplex first-time applicants. However, obtaining and understanding a Letter of Invitation is actually quite simple.

How to Order a Customized Letter of Invitation for Visa Application

You can easily receive an Invitation Letter for Egypt directly in your inbox by following these simple steps:

  • Choose your package: There are two package options available - Regular and Express.
  • Make the applicable fee payment: Provide your personal details, including your first name, last name, country of residence, email address, and credit card information or use PayPal for payment.
  • Complete the Invitation Letter form: Fill out the form accurately with sincere information about yourself, your guest, and the intended entry and departure dates. Ensure you provide correct details regarding the embassy or consulate where you will submit the invitation letter.
  • Submit the request: Once you have completed the invitation letter form with accurate information, click on "Complete." We will receive your invitation letter form and provide you with the first draft of your letter.
  • Receive your invitation letter: Within two to three days, depending on the package you choose, we will send you the completed invitation letter as a PDF attachment in your inbox.
  • Print the Letter of Invitation: After receiving the invitation letter, print it, sign it, and forward it to your guest. Your guest must present the invitation letter to the appropriate Egyptian Embassy or Consulate.

What is an Invitation Letter for Visa Application?

An Invitation Letter for a visa application is a document that the applicant's host writes and submits to the Egyptian Embassy or Consulate when applying for a visitor visa. This letter confirms that the host will accommodate the applicant in their home for the entire duration of their stay in Egypt.

Requirements for Writing a Letter of Invitation

To ensure the validity of the letter of invitation, the host must fulfill the following requirements:

  • Must be a citizen or lawful permanent resident of Egypt.
  • Must be a friend, boyfriend/girlfriend, family member, or relative of the applicant.
  • Must have a registered place of residence (home, flat) with sufficient room to accommodate the applicant.

While not every embassy requires a Letter of Invitation, it is strongly recommended to submit one, even if not explicitly required.

How to Write a Letter of Invitation for Visa Application

Writing a letter of invitation may seem confusing to some, but it is actually the simplest part of the visa application process once you understand its purpose. The letter should be written by the host and addressed to either the applicant or the consular officer.

Some embassies provide their own invitation form, so be sure to check the visa application checklist for specific requirements. If a form is provided, the host will only need to fill in the required information.

Even if no specific form is provided, the following samples can be used by replacing the information according to your situation.

When writing an invitation letter, it is crucial to include important details about both the host and the guest. The letter should contain the following information about the host:

  • Full name
  • Date of birth
  • Address
  • Telephone number
  • Occupation
  • Type of residence (owned/rented house, flat, or room)
  • Host's status in Egypt (work visa, student visa, permanent resident, citizen, or other legal status)
  • Signature

The letter must also include the following information about the guest:

  • Full name as shown on their International Passport
  • Date of birth
  • Address and telephone number
  • Relationship between the host and the guest
  • Purpose of the trip (e.g., friendly visit, holiday, wedding, birthday party)
  • Exact entry and exit dates

If the letter is addressed to the guest, it should be written in a personal and friendly tone rather than a formal one. This approach helps the consular officer gain a better understanding of the relationship between the host and the guest.

Supporting Documents for the Invitation Letter

While the Letter of Invitation is often sufficient on its own, it is considerate to include additional supporting documents, even if not required. These documents may include:

  • A scanned copy of the host's ID/passport
  • Proof of financial means if the host will provide financial support
  • Proof of home ownership or rental contract
  • Itinerary of planned activities
  • Proof of the host taking time off work to accompany the guest during their stay

Where to Submit the Letter of Invitation

The guest should submit the letter of invitation at the Egyptian Embassy or Consulate, along with the other required visa application documents. The host should scan the letter and send it to the guest, who will present it along with the supporting documents on the day of their appointment at the embassy or consulate.

Sample Invitation Letter Format Addressed to the Embassy


Embassy of Egypt


Letter of Invitation for [Visitor's Name]: Passport No: XXX77777

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter to support the visa application of [Visitor's Name] for their visit to Egypt.

[Visitor's Name] is a resident of [Country] and is my [relationship]. They currently reside at [Visitor's Address], and their home phone number is (YY)XXXXXXX.

As a legal permanent resident of [Guest's Home Country], I live at [Guest's Home Address] and work as [Guest's Occupation] with a net income of $XXX per year. I would like [Visitor's Name] to come and visit me from [Date of Entry] to [Date of Exit] to celebrate [reason for visit: wedding, birthday, etc.].

I kindly request that [Visitor's Name] be granted a visa for the entire duration of their stay, during which I will be fully responsible for their well-being. They will be staying at my home, and upon the expiration of their visa, I will ensure their return to [Visitor's Home Country].

Attached, you will find all the necessary documentation.

Thank you in anticipation of your favorable response.


[Host's Name]

[Host's Date of Birth]

[Host's Address]

[Host's Phone Number]

[Host's Signature]

Sample Invitation Letter Addressed to the Guest


Letter of Invitation for [Visitor's Name]: Passport No: XXX77777

Dear [Visitor's Name],

Following our recent conversation, I am delighted to extend a formal invitation for you to visit me in Egypt. It has been far too long since we last saw each other, and I am thrilled to introduce you to the wonderful people who have made my stay in Egypt so enjoyable.

During your visit, I will be responsible for your accommodation, meals, and transportation within Egypt, starting from the day you arrive from [Visitor's Home Country] on [Entry Date] until your departure on [Date of Exit].

I am also sending all the required documents for obtaining the necessary visa from the Egyptian Embassy.

I can't wait to see you here!

Warm regards,

[Host's Name]

[Full Address]


Occupation: [Host's Occupation]

Phone Numbers:

Work: [(xxx) xxx-xxxx]

Home: [(xxx) xxx-xxxx]

Email: [Email Address]

[Host's Signature]

Please note that the provided samples serve as a guideline, and it's important to adapt the content to your specific circumstances and follow any additional requirements or forms provided by the embassy or consulate.




To obtain a Egypt eVisa

  • Step1: Complete the online application by providing your passport details.
  • Step2: Submit payment online using a credit card.
  • Step3: Monitor your email for confirmation of payment and receipt of your eVisa, which will be sent electronically.
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